Saturday, August 18, 2012

Quilting mojo!

So after a break from quilting I've found my quilting mojo again! And finished up the rest of the quilt top I started yesterday! And Nap time isn't even over yet! I used McCalls quilting website and found a free block pattern that I am in love with! Here is the quilt top hopefully I can finish the quilting and binding before miss Scarlett arrives! Happy Saturday everyone!

Friday, August 17, 2012


I have been collecting fabric to make my twin boys each a quilt for months! I have however been stuck on what I have dubbed my "nightmare quilt" for some time now and have been putting off making their quilts. Today I finally had it and decided to go ahead and start working on the boys quilt and made my first quilt block! Here it is enjoy! Here is the other fabric I will also coordinate into separate blocks.

Projects in progress

My husband and I have been diligently working on Scarlett's nursery and we are getting much closer to finishing! The color we chose is a shade of red.... Any one who has ever painted a wall red knows what a pain it is! After the first 3 coats on the first wall I realized that our one gallon bucket wasn't going to go very far! Most of the walls have 5 if not more coats and took 3 gallons of paint!! But the end result is exactly what I have been picturing for months!!! And exactly the shade I have been after! Now that the walls are painted I am almost finished touching up all the white border (unfortunately it bled under the tape pretty bad!). The dresser is pretty much the last piece to complete the room and it's also halfway done. I also made two quilt blocks to use as wall art. And I have a few other details up my sleeve to show in the final reveal!